The K.O.G and Me……..

Hey All,

This week we will continue to look at the prayer Jesus taught us to pray in Mat 6:9-13. Let’s read it again! Let’s think about it! Let’s focus on verse 10, Your kingdom come, Your will be done! Amen! As I read through this passage and started digging in deeper, I recalled that PJ had lead us in a series on the Kingdom Of God…..the K.O.G. Going to the sermons on the COH website, I found his sermon from April 18th of this year and listened to it again. I encourage you to do that as well this week. For those of you who don’t have the time we are going to cover a much shorter version next.

So what is the K.O.G. and how will it come?

The Jews during the time of Jesus were under Roman rule. This was a hard life. Not only did they have their ruling religious body the Pharisees and all of the laws, they also had to obey the Roman laws of the time. Many believed the Savior promised from the Old Testament would be an earthly king that would restore Jerusalem and the Israelite nation would once again regain prosperity. When Jesus was asked about this by Pharisees in Luke 17:20-21 he said that the Kingdom Of God is in your midst. From a worldly view the Pharisees looked at this statement as Jesus once again blaspheming as the King of the Jews with the Kingdom being here and and now.  Yet we know that Jesus was  saying that the Kingdom of God was in their presence as true God and true man. Latter Jesus stood before Pilot  in John 18:33-38 and Pilot asked Jesus if he was King of the Jews? Jesus responds that his Kingdom is not of this world and if it were his servants would be fighting so that he would be released.  So we know that Jesus was not a worldly king with rule and reign over countries and people. God’s rule and reign is over the church who have willingly submitted their hearts and minds. It’s not a place! It’s not of this world! It is here and now when we allow God to enter our hearts and change our lives and its eternal when we find our resting place in heaven. 1 Peter 1:4

As we recognize that we are the living in the Kingdom of God, we also pray that God’s Kingdom will come to those who don’t yet know God. Similarly but opposite, we pray that the devil and his power may be struck down because many times we are ignorant to his schemes 2 Corinthians 2:11. Many of these schemes create hardship and trials in our lives. Paul was stoned and presumed to be dead, Acts 14: 19-22 which strengthened the souls of the disciples to continue the faith that through these tribulations they would enter the Kingdom of God.

How is God’s will done?

As we looked at several weeks ago, God desires to have a relationship with us and as he commands us to seek first the Kingdom of God. Mat 6:33 When we seek His will for our lives and listen to His prompting, we will be performing the work of God and His Kingdom. This has nothing to do with our salvation as we find that at the foot of the cross. Our community group this week looked at John 13:3-5 where Jesus with all power given to him from the Father willingly humbled himself to wash the feet of his disciples.  As we saw above the Kingdom can be a harsh place, Jesus washed the feet of his enemy and Paul was stoned for his beliefs but Peter reminds us the when we do what is right and suffer that we also find favor with God 1 Peter 2:20-21. There is so much more that can be written here but just as Jesus humbled himself we are to do nothing out of selfishness or conceit but in humility regard others more important than ourselves Philippians 2:3-4.

So to Wrap it up

  1. When we pray Your Kingdom come, we are affirming that God lives and reigns in our heart and mind and the we want to see His Kingdom extended throughout the entire world.
  2. When we pray Your will be done, we praying that God will enable us to overcome the hardship and trials that the devil throws at us daily but through this our faith would be strengthened to do the work that the Holy Spirit has gifted and called us to do until the day we are called to be in heaven.

So lets close praying that God would use us as it says in Eph 3: 20-21 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen? Amen!!!!

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