It's easy to spot a fake if you look closely enough. If you look closely at what God's word says about followers of Jesus and use that as a mirror…
Salvation isn't only about getting into heaven. It's also about changing us today. We can't be touched by the saving power of God without being radically transformed by it.
We are not saved by obedience, but salvation results in obedience. If we have been transformed by being saved, we will see how good God's ways are, and we will…
"To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing." "As breath is to the body, so is prayer to the soul." We cannot…
We believe that Jesus was and is the Son of God, and we place our faith in Him for salvation. It is through faith that we are saved, but it…
This world will throw many things at us, many trials and many tests. It is not by power or strength or determination that we will overcome those things, but by…
God is love. If God is filling us, then we will also love as God loves. To put it another way, the way that we love each other is meant…
Jesus said that His disciples would be known by their love, but anyone can love, even without Jesus. 1 John 4 sheds light on the kind of love that God…