Jesus will return. For some, this is great news, and it will mean complete healing, restoration, and unimaginable joy. For others, this will be a horrific day, a day of…
Do you sometimes feel like you're doing everything right, yet nothing is going your way, while people who are living immoral lives seem to have everything working out for them?…
We often feel that if we don't hold on to what we have, we will lose it, and yet economy works differently when God is part of the picture. When…
God expected priests to be faithful to the call to lead His people well. He expects the same of church leaders today, Congregations should keep their leaders accountable to teach…
While we change and wander, God is unchanging. He is always rich in love and slow to anger. When we stray, He is always ready to lovingly guide us back…
It's easy to spot a fake if you look closely enough. If you look closely at what God's word says about followers of Jesus and use that as a mirror…
Our love for God and for others is THE mark by which Jesus said His followers would be identified. This is an authentic love that comes from the heart, and…
Salvation isn't only about getting into heaven. It's also about changing us today. We can't be touched by the saving power of God without being radically transformed by it.
We are not saved by obedience, but salvation results in obedience. If we have been transformed by being saved, we will see how good God's ways are, and we will…
What does it mean to be a Christian? Is that different than what it means to be a disciple? Can't I just be a normal everyday Christian without having to…